Pittsburgh Family Photographers offering unique Portrait experiences. Red Lotus’ Pittsburgh Family Photography Studio is Near Me & minutes to Pittsburgh, PA
Little Miss D. | Springtime Portrait
This is my adorable niece, little Miss D. My sister asked me to take some springtime portraits of her in her Easter dress, and of course who could say no to an opportunity to capture a sweet little face like that.


Ah, springtime is finally here! Winter snow is lovely to look at, but I am so ready to feel the sunshine and the breezes of spring in the air. These shots were taken on my parents’ property; here at the edge of the woods you can see the field where the grass is starting to green. And I really like the moss growing on the ground. What is it about moss that enthralls me? I love the color…the soft, velvety, blanket-y-ness that just invites you to touch it, maybe even take a lovely nap on it like a deer in the forest…it reminds me of childhood. Note to self: I must grow a moss garden some day.

Thank you, little Miss D. for being so cute and cooperative!
How much does it cost for a family portrait?
A Red Lotus Pittsburgh Family Photo Shoot and Portrait Photography – begins at $150
How much do you tip a family photographer?
While most photographers regularly collect 5-10% of the total sale in gratuity, Red Lotus’ Pittsburgh Family Photography would prefer a nice thank you note/testimonial/social media review and referrals are always welcome!
Who are some of the best portrait photographers on the planet?
While we believe the Red Lotus Pittsburgh Family Portrait Photographers experience to be second to none in PA, here are a few other photographers from around the globe that compile absolutely stunning work:
How long should a family photo shoot last?
A photo shoot should last long enough to get great portraits, and be short enough to avoid burnout or boredom. On average, a Red Lotus portrait session lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to a little over an hour, which is enough time to create a variety of images.
How often should you do family photos?
While we always recommend capturing family portraits at least once a year, our average client books anywhere between two to four sessions per calendar year. This will give you a wonderful reflection of how your family has grown over the months.
Amanda - So cute! I love her cheeks :-D Great shots! I wish the sun and the leaves would come out soon.