Confession time, dear Reader. I have a love/hate relationship with my yard. Love: It’s one of the biggest and flattest back yards in my neighborhood. It’s perfect for kids to play in. Hate: It’s lumpy and full of crab grass. You see, my husband and I are both one of those people – we live in a neighborhood where everyone has a perfectly manicured lawn, but we do not. We are anti-chemical, and anti-pesticide. It’s not that I don’t love the wonderful aesthetic effect that those chemicals produce; it’s just that I have a problem spraying harmful substances where I know my precious daughter is going to play. (By the way, no judgment here if you spray your lawn–it’s just our personal choice. We are trying to embrace a more organic lifestyle.)
There are times when I am tempted to break out the Round-Up, especially when a few thistles (a.k.a. jaggers) pop up and poke my bare feet. But, crab grass and other weeds are not too hard to live with, if you keep up with the mowing. It grows faster than the “good” grass, so things don’t stay evenly cut as long as it normally would. Last month we went to the Outer Banks for a vacation with my family, and unfortunately, the person we had called to mow our grass while we were gone never showed up. From what I understand it also rained quite a bit here in the ‘burgh that week. So you can imagine the jungle that awaited us when we got home!
As I looked out the window in despair that evening, dreading the thought of struggling through the sea of tall grass and dandelions with our lawnmower, I had a thought. It just happened to be the “golden hour” of the evening, when the lighting is magical…and although we were not in some picturesque field in the countryside, I do love tall grasses and dandelions for photos. And, I never take enough photos of my own family (ironically). So, I tossed my daughter into a pretty dress and took her outside. I let her just be herself and enjoy doing what she does, which is to explore and marvel at things that seem ordinary, while I snapped away in contentment. It was a wonderful evening…and the grass got cut eventually.
When life hands you weeds, dear Reader – take pictures!
P.S. On an unrelated subject which happens to have the same name as my post title, if anyone knows when Showtime is going to start airing new episodes of “Weeds”, please do tell! Last season ended with such a cliffhanger!




Aaron - This is exactly what I meant when I said your photos have that special “something”. These are in your backyard with weeds and they’re still awesome! Great photos, and it’s nice to see a personal side. Oh, and your daughter looks just like you! I shall call her…Mini-You :)
Sandy - Lol – thanks!
Amanda - Such a big smile today :-) Love love love these. Yummy backlighting in the first two and then the last shot – I would enlarge that with the quote and make myself a gallery wrap and hang in right near my editing station if I were you. Just sayin… :-)
Sandy - That is a good idea!