Or, as I like to call it, the long-awaited release of “Sandy 3.0”! At last, dear Reader, I have finally been able to finish all the changes I have been working on for months. At last, I have a clearer direction for my brand, one that feels more like “me” than ever before. I am sooo excited!
The first thing you’ll notice is the new logo in the blog header. I worked closely with a wonderful artist I found on Etsy, who designed it with just the right mix of elegance and whimsy that I was looking for. I put the logo in a static blog header, rather than a flash header like I had before, to make it more iPhone/iPad-friendly, and reinforce brand recognition.

The next thing you might notice is the whole new color scheme/blog theme. I wanted something a little more of a subtle, organic, earthy feel to it. Overall I think it has a cleaner look than before, and I love it!
My sweet husband added a Facebook comment box to the bottom of every post for me; now you can either comment on the blog itself, or click on the little “thumbs up” like button and comment via your Facebook profile if you are logged in. I’m hoping this will drive more traffic to my blog, so please feel free to leave me some Facebook blog love any time!
I have two new websites, one specifically for weddings, and one for baby and child photography; both are accessed through a single splash page. You still only need to know one web address as before, which is www.redlotusphotography.com. The new websites now feature full-size photos for that “wow” factor, and now that I have separated the two types of photography, each viewing experience has a clearer direction than before. I want to give a shout out to my girl Amanda Wilson for designing the awesome pinkish-gold textured background with faded handwriting that graces my children’s website – thanks Amanda!


There are lot of other changes I’ve been making and am planning to make, but these are the biggies. So, look around, check things out, kick the tires a bit. And then come back here and pretty please, leave me some blog love below!!
Marcia Furman - Everything looks wonderful Sandy!
Amanda - I love how everything turned out ! You just get better all the time ! I’m so jealous, I miss my blog :-(