Happy Monday, dear Reader! As I sit at my computer editing photos like a fiend, I thought I would do a quick post and share a bit of what is going on in my world. I’m taking a cue from my good friend Amanda Wilson and doing a Weekend Update post! (C’mon, Amanda, you knew I was going to steal that one! :D)
Last week was a busy one; my brother was home from Maine, so we drove up to Butler a few times to see him. It was so nice to see him again; he only comes home once a year now. We also went to a family reunion, where got to see some relatives that I have lost touch with and meet others I didn’t even know I was related to!
It was great seeing so much of my family in one week; my daughter and her two cousins had a jolly old time romping through the woods, picking flowers from my mom’s garden and splashing around with the garden hose. There is something about walking through my parents’ woods that is so rejuvenating to my spirits. I had many adventures in these woods with my dog when I was growing up. These three pics were taken with my little PowerShot point and shoot camera.



My little nephew is growing like a weed and is cute as a button. I’m no expert at compressing video for upload, so bear with the quality of this video clip. I was playing peekaboo with him through his toy mailbox, and just had to record this with my PowerShot, which also does video, and share it with you. Hope it makes you smile!
We must have done that a hundred times before he got tired of it. My voice was hoarse!
I shot a fabulous wedding this weekend in Cabot, PA, followed by a reception at the LongueVue Golf Club; we couldn’t have asked for better weather or a nicer couple. I’ll try to get some pics posted soon.
And finally in other news, Oscar is growing up. Allow me to explain…
My daughter has a stuffed octopus named Oscar, who has endured many a dress-up session, most famously the diaper-wearing phase. Yes, that’s right; my daughter dressed her toy octopus in a diaper and pretended that it was her baby. She has never taken a liking to baby dolls like other little girls do; all of her babies are of the aquatic kind. Last night Little Miss decided that it was time that Oscar started wearing big-girl panties to bed. Isn’t he a vision?

And that’s it for the first installment of my Weekend Update. Have a great week, dear Reader!
kelly - LOL love it! Oscar looks to be in a lot better shape than Claire’s favorite doggie. How in the heck do you get such great photos out of a point & shoot??