From your head down to your toes, You’re not much, goodness knows.
But you’re so precious to me, Sweet as can be, Baby of mine.


Is there anything more beautiful than a mother and her baby? For these mother and child photos, I wrapped Ashlee in one of the fabric wraps that I keep in the studio. If you’re preparing outfits for your newborn photo session and are wondering what to wear, one of the things I like to mention to parents is that when baby is naked, it makes more sense for parents wear something that shows more skin. This serves two purposes; first, it takes away all distractions and allows the focus to remain on the faces of the parent and child. And second, it looks more natural; if baby was naked and the parent was all covered up in regular clothing, it might look out of place. The rule of thumb is, if baby is naked, parent should at least show arm skin, and preferably show shoulder skin. Otherwise, I usually put baby in a wrap that coordinated with the parents’ clothing.

You can see the joy in mama’s face as she holds her infant son. So sweet!

Can you ever really get enough of adorable baby toes?

If you are expecting and are looking for a Pittsburgh baby or maternity photographer, please contact Red Lotus Photography or visit the investment page here. Newborn photos are usually scheduled to take place within the first 10 days of birth, so please plan ahead and call Sandy before baby is born! Red Lotus Photography specializes in baby photography, newborn photography, maternity photography and children’s photography in Pittsburgh, Fayette, McMurray, Canonsburg, Bridgeville, Peters, Mt. Lebanon, Upper St. Clair, Shadyside, Wexford, Sewickley, and other areas surrounding Pittsburgh. Sandy offers children and newborn photography in her Pittsburgh photography studio . For more information, please contact Sandy today.