I want to thank my friend Elena at Maternity Girl for allowing me to post these beautiful moments of her and baby. Stay tuned to the end of the post for a special offer just for breastfeeding (and bottle feeding) mommas!

When my daughter was just a baby, professional photography was not a part of my world yet. I was very much a newbie; my husband had just bought me a “real” camera, a digital SLR, and I was so excited. Suddenly I had this great tool, and I wanted to capture every little thing about my precious baby, document every moment, from the milestones to the mundane.
I’m so glad I was able to take those pictures, because now I look at them and they take me right back. I remember how fuzzy and soft her hair was, like a baby duckling. I remember how I loved to kiss those pudgy little toes. I remember how she was so small, that when she fell asleep on my husband’s chest, he would zip his fleece jacket around them both so she looked like a kangaroo in a pouch.
I have photos of all of these things, so special to me, things that I never want to forget. But do you know what I don’t have? Pictures that capture the way I felt when I was nursing my baby.

Maybe you’re thinking that it’s strange to want photos of that. Or maybe, you’re a nursing mom who knows exactly what I mean.

The way your baby looks into your eyes as you give her nourishment. The little hand reaching up to touch your face; your hand and baby’s hand lightly playing in a way that I can only describe as something akin to dancing. The soft and quiet sound of baby’s breathing as he or she falls asleep with a full tummy.

Feeding your baby, whether by breast or bottle, gives you a feeling like no other in this world. Have you ever looked down at your baby and wished that you could somehow bottle this feeling and save it forever? Wished that there was some way that photos could do justice to the intimate moment you were sharing with your child? I did. I knew that this particular time with my child was limited, and I wanted to remember it forever. I asked my husband, God love him, to take a photo for me; it did not turn out anything like I had hoped. I even went so far as to try and take a selfie with the camera–anything, anything to capture this feeling.

I had no idea that there were photographers out there who would even consider doing breastfeeding portraits. I really wish that I had done some research on that.
Well, I may not have had the opportunity, but you do, my dear Mommas–and I hope that you will seize it!
My good friend Elena at Maternity Girl is a wealth of resources for new and expectant moms; she specializes in new and resale maternity and nursing apparel, as well as providing styling services for maternity and nursing photo shoots. Working directly with suppliers, Elena is able to offer boutique and better brand clothing that you won’t find in your local stores. Pregnant and nursing moms who want to be fashionable and comfortable should definitely give Elena a call. (P.S. – Elena’s breastfeeding clothes are perfect for moms who are pumping, too.)
Recently Elena had been feeling all the same things that I had been feeling when I was nursing my child. She wanted to preserve these memories, and so she asked me to do a breastfeeding portrait session for her. When she saw her photos afterward, she was so glad that she took the time to do it. “I really wanted to honor myself and this special time that I have with my baby,” Elena says, “and remind myself, no matter how far we make it, that I was able to do this with my little one.” You can read her post about her experience here.

Elena and I got to thinking that between her mad styling skills and my ability to freeze time/document life for parents everywhere, that we could offer a special experience for mommas who want to honor this precious time with their babies, too. That’s why on November 15th, Maternity Girl and Red Lotus Photography will be hosting a breastfeeding mini session event at my studio!
Each momma will have a half hour of styling and consultation with Elena, followed by a half hour photo session with me. Elena will have a lovely trunk show set up with a selection of stylish nursing apparel to browse; you’ll have the opportunity to wear some of these items for your photo session, too.

We only have 5 spaces available, so if this is something you want to do, please contact me or Elena right away!