It’s that time of year again, dear Reader! No, I’m not referring to the end of the school year, nor the beginning of summer. No, I’m referring to my annual photo shoot of Miss Sassette in the dandelions. Once a year without fail it seems, our lawnmower suffers some sort of malady, causing the vegetation in our yard to grow with wild abandon until we can get our mower repaired or hire a lawn service to rescue us. I have since decided to live by an adage inspired by this annual event; I say, when life hands you weeds…take pictures!
Remember last year’s session? I can’t believe how much my daughter has changed since then. I blinked my eyes and she grew overnight. It only reinforces my belief that what I do for my clients is so very important. Don’t wait for a special occasion to document your life in pictures! Any time with your family is special, even if it’s just hanging out in the dandelions.




Jenny - What a great idea Sandy! Your daughter has grown up so much since last year! The photos are adorable!
Katia - Sandy, what a beautiful session. You know exactly how to capture a child, their innocence and their silliness. What a beautiful session for Sam, she doesn’t know it yet but she will treasure these forever!I know it.
Sandy - Aw, thanks Katia!