Meet 7-week old Little Miss M and her beautiful mum:


Meet her brother, Little Man A., who looks is completely adorable whether he is being serious…

…or goofing off! Here he is pretending to ride his motorcycle – so cute!

Little Man had me smitten when he took my hand and led me outside to show me around. He likes digging in the dirt, as most boys do; plus he has this ultra-cool helmet he wears when working.

Love this one – kudos to mom for the awesome vintage blue chair and the perfect outfit complete with hat! I l-o-v-e it when clients bring accessories; little things like that can add so much.

Many thanks to the R family for inviting me into their home! You are beautiful.
Amanda - Ah! #2 with the beautiful wrinkly rolly baby smile :-) What a great session!
Sandy - I know, I love that one! That was actually an in-between moment; she was being changed into a new outfit and I was lucky enough to get a sweet little smile. Love those baby rolls, too!