I have a lot of blogging to catch up on, dear reader. Weddings, engagement sessions, babies…there’s much more to share with you in the coming weeks. But I hope you don’t mind, I’ll be blogging out of order for now. I’ve always wanted my work flow to include giving clients a preview of their images before their proofing gallery goes online, so that’s what I’ve begun to do recently. As my good friend Amanda says, in order to do this I need to get over my OCBD, or Obsessive Compulsive Chronological Blogging Disorder. OCBD is the overwhelming need to blog events only in the exact chronological order in which they occurred. Today’s post and the one prior to it are proof that I can indeed overcome this disorder. And so, I give you Lauren and Tom…
Lauren and Tom held their wedding a little over a week ago on the nicest day we’ve had this year so far. It was so beautiful that day! I had met Lauren at the church just a few short weeks before that, and there was still snow on the ground. We began the day in the bridal suite of the First Presbyterian Church of Beaver, PA. My photog friend Paige Butcher was second shooting with me that day. I’ll post a few of her pictures here later on. Thanks, Paige!



I love the smile on Lauren’s face here, and the way the girls are holding each other’s dresses in a line.






The way the church was set up like a curved amphitheater was really neat.



Lauren’s friend and coordinator had an amazing voice.





I love how excited and happy couples look just after they are married.




Lauren had some serious bling going on there.




Cutest wedding dessert item ever.




Nothing says spring like daffodils! Lauren and Tom purchased them from the American Cancer Society rather than doing traditional wedding favors. What a great idea!

Lauren and Tom, it was an absolute pleasure and an honor to be a part of your big day. Congratulations and best wishes to you both!
Shannon - Oh how cool! We are doing a donation to ACS for our wedding favors as well!!
Paige Butcher - Ah, so cool to see the end product! These are great :)
Jill Dubbs - Your Photographer was fantastic! What a beautiful church setting! Your cake was breath-taking. What a beautiful opportunity you took in getting the “cancer” daffodils as favors. I have looked at your pictures twice!
Mrs. Dubbs
Amanda - Favorites favorites – the girls going up the steps and the half sillhouette in the doorway of the church! FYI I am viewing on a PC today and you look MARVELOUS. The colors and contrast are totally different than on my Mac.