Bridget and Deepak’s ceremony took place on a beautiful Sunday evening at the Hindu Jain Temple in Monroeville. With the clear blue sky and sun shining brighter than it has for months, they could not have picked a better day to pledge their love to one another before a group of their closest family and friends.



Favorite from the day.

I love me some sun flare.
















My good friend Amanda Wilson was with me that day; I asked her to hold one of my cameras, and she took this one while I was shooting from another angle. Nice!

Bridget and Deepak held their reception dinner at the Zaiaka Indian Restaurant in Monroeville. Somehow, I had never tried Indian food before until then. It was delicious! I love trying new foods, so this was a real treat. The long table of family and friends had such a lovely, intimate atmosphere with all the candle light glowing.

Bridget and Deepak were greeted with a shower of rose petals as they entered.

I love how they had their invitation framed so beautifully.

Bridget and Deepak, it was an absolute pleasure capturing your wedding! I wish you all the best!
kelly - gorgeous as always!
Amanda - That night shot in front of the temple with the off camera flash came out great! I can see now what I was doing ;-) The disks are in the mail!
ivan - congrates n wish u a very happy married life
Wanda - Fantastic pictures. Bridget – you were absolutely gorgeous and Deepak very handsome. Love the henna, jewelry and dress. Congratulations to you and Deepak. Thanks for giving me a glimpse into another culture. Many years of happiness to you.
Mimi Weaver Haba - Bridget – Best wishes to you and Deepak. You were a beautiful bride!. Mimi (Your mother’s friend)
Harsh - Wonderful pics…stunning bride ! Very nice Bridget…many congratulations…wishing both of you happiness for ever.
By the way, who is the photographer ? Great job…
suma shenoy - the photographs are excellent!!! all the very best for a happy married life :-)
virginia - Bridget and Deepak.
I wish for you all the happiness and love for the rest of your lives.
What a beautiful wedding—Bridget, you looked beautiful, and Deepak, very handsome.
Good luck and God Bless–